Flyleaf: “Mrs. Katherine Pirrott’s Receipt Book, Containing Cookery, Physick, & Preserving”
2R (1) “To Make Westphalia hams of pourk” (contains just the letter “T”; recipe not completed)
2V (2) Cookery
- To Hash a Calves Head
- To Make a Rice Pudding
3R (3)
- To make a Tansey
- To make little Puddings to fry
- To make a Calves foote Pye
3V (4)
- To make Westphalia Hamms of Porke
4R (5)
- Marrow Hoggs Puddings
- Almond Hogg Pudding
4V (6)
- White Oatmeale Hogg Puddings
- Bread Hogg Puddings
5R (7)
- Black Hogg Puddings
- Boil’d Curd Puddings
5V (8)
- To Collar Beefe
- An Orange Puddings
6R (9)
- A Good short Crust for Calves-foot Pye for a Patty-pann
- To Stuffe Boil’d Chickens
- To Roast a Haunch of Venison wth Cutletts
- French Fritters
6V (10)
- A Sweete Lamb Pye
- To Stew Carpes
7R (11)
- To Collar Eeles
7V (12)
- To Roast a Westphalia Hamme
- To Collar a Pigg
- Fine Puffed(?) Paste for Taffaty Tarts
8R (13)
- Barley Broth
- Longland’s Pudding
8V (14)
- A Bak’d Custard Pudding
- Pease Pottage
9R (15)
- To Stew an Oxe Cheeke
- A Frigacie of Chickens or Rabbetts
9V (16)
- To make a Scotch Collops
10R (17)
- To Bottle Gooseberries
- A Frigacie of Eeles
10V (18)
- Wood-streete Cake
11R (19)
- The Iceing for the aforesaid Cake
- A Flyeing Pudding
- Sugar Cakes
- To Roast a Rump of Beefe
11V (20)
- To Stuffe a Hare
- A Frigacy of Sweetbreads
- To Broile Pidgeons
12R (21)
- To Collar a Breast of Veale & Sauce to it
- The Sauce for it
- Sauce for a Legg of Mutton
- A Pickle to boyle Fish in & Sauce for same
12V (22)
- Sauce for the same
- An Egg Pye
13R (23)
- French Bread
- Sauce for a Haunch of Venison
- Dutch Bisketts
13V (24)
- To Pott a Hare
- To Stew Pidgeons
- Potting of Venison
14R (25)
- To Pickle Pidgeons
- Cheese Cakes
14V (26)
- To Broile a Neck of Mutton in Stakes
- Fry’d Stakes
- Fritters
15R (27)
- To Stuff Pidgeons
- Short Crust for Tarts in Patty Panns
- To make Vinegar
15V (28)
- To Fry a Neck of Lambe in Stakes
- How to Pott Beefe
16R (29)
- Cucumber Sauce for boild or rost Mutton or boil’d Ducks
- To Make Wiggs
- Tongue Mince Pyes
16V (30)
- A good Bak’d Pudding
17R (31)
- To Stew Beefe
- Custard Boyl’d Pudding
17V (32)
- Curd Loaves
- To Pickle Melons
18R (33)
- Mable’s Cake
- To Pickle Walnutts
18V (34)
- To Pickle Kidney Beans
19R (35)
- A Pickle for Brawn
- To Pickle Cucumbers
19V (36)
- To Pickle Purslane
- To Pickle Sampire
20R (37)
- A Sweetbread Omlett
- To Stew a Hare
20V (38)
- To Fry Hartichokes
- A Seed Cake
- To Pott Eeles
21R (39)
- To Broile Eeles
- To Souce Eeles
21V (40)
- A Bak’d Curd Pudding
- A Carrott Pudding
- A Boil’d Custard Pudding
22R (41)
- Almond Cheese-cakes
- To Dry Neats Tongues
22V (42)
- To Stew Pidgeons
- A Skirrott Pye
23R (43)
- A Cold Sallad
- To Frigacy a Hind quarter of Lamb
23V (44)
- Sauseages
24R (45)
- To Clear Cider, Ale, or any other Liquours
- To Roast a Capon with Oysters
24V (46)
- Pottage
25R (47)
- To Pott Pidgeons
- Greene Goose Sauce
25V (48)
- To Pickle Mushrooms
- Sauce for a Turky
26R (49)
- To make Orange-wine (*IN A DIFFERENT HAND -CD)
27V (50) – (177) BLANK
89R (178) Preserveing
- To Make Calves Feete Jelly
- Clear Cakes
89V (179)
- To Preserve Oranges whole
90V (181)
- A Sack Possett
- Ginger-Bread
91R (182)
- French Butter
- Ratafea Creame
- Harts-horn flumry
91V (183)
- Quince Wine
- Chocolat Creame
92R (184)
- White Marmalade
- To Preserve Gooseberries
- To Preserve Cherries
92V (185)
- Rasberrie Cakes
- To Preserve Corrans
- To Preserve Rasberries
- Elder wine
93R (186)
- Almond Cheese-cakes
- Lemon Creame
93V (187)
- Sagoe Cream
- Meade
94R (188)
- Conserve of red Roses
- To Candy Angelica
- Syrupe of Garlick
94V (189)
- Syrup of Marshmallows
- Sugar of Roses
- Syurpe of Cotts-foot flow’rs
95R (190)
- Oatmeal Flummery (*IN A DIFFERENT HAND -CD)
95V (191)
- To Make Meath (*IN A DIFFERENT HAND -CD)
- To make Cowslilp [or Couslip] Wine (*IN A DIFFERENT HAND -CD)
- To Make Harthorn Jelly (*IN A DIFFERENT HAND -CD)
96R–135V BLANK
136R (272) Medicines And Distillations
- A Purge for a Child of 7 or so days old By Dr. Lower (presumably Richard Lower, 1631–1691 -CD)
- For the King’s Evill
136V (273)
- To stop Bleeding at the Nose
- To Recover a Child w in Apeareance is born dead
137R (274)
- Snail Water
137V (275)
- A Black Salve
138R (276)
- For a Sinew Streine in Horse or Man
- For the Eyes
- A Turpentine Glyster for the Chollick
138V (277)
- To Cure a Woman’s Flooding in Childbirth
- Surfeit Water
139R (278)
- Plague Water
139V (279)
- Bitter Decoction
- To Cure a Loosenes
- To Cure the Fundamts comeing down
140R (280)
- Aqua Mirabilis
140V (281)
- Orange Water
- Lucatella’s Oyntmt or Balsome Admirable for Wounds or Cutts
142R (284)
- A Bath for a Woman that hath Miscarried, if anything stay behind, & may be used to a Woman in Labour
142V (285)
- For a Bruised Eye
- To Stench Bleeding
- A Glyster for the Worm’s either Stomack Worms or Maw Worms in Old folks or Children
143R (286)
- A Powder for Women to stay Loosnes or Flooding
143V (287)
- For Fainting Fitts
- For a faint Stomack
- For a Stitch or Pleurisie
144R (288)
- To make Black Cherry Water
- To help difficult labour or bring pains
- Milk Water
144V (289)
- An Excellent Green Oyle
- An Oyntmt for Weake Limbs
145R (290)
- A Chollick Water
- The Pearle Cordiall
- Balsamick Syrupe
145V (291)
- The Conserve of Roses
- Syrupe of Violetts
146R (292)
- Gripeing Water
- White Decoction Good to Sweeten the Blood & to take away any sharp Humour in the Stomack
147R (294)
- Professor Green’s (or Groen’s) Receipts for ye Gravell (*IN A DIFFERENT HAND -CD)
- His Stomach bitter (*IN A DIFFERENT HAND -CD)
147V – 161V Blank
162R (326) – 183R An Alphabetical Table Containing all the Receipts that are written in this Booke
Loose insert (between 241 and 242) A Water for the Eyes (*IN A DIFFERENT HAND -CD)
Loose insert at back of book “ Receipt for killing Bugs (note at bottom: London Chronicle 9th June 1770) (*IN A DIFFERENT HAND -CD)