
Type: Food preparation
Creation Date
19th century
Date Details
In 300 Years of Kitchen Collectibles (Franklin 50), there are two descriptions listed that fit the object above quite perfectly. One is a nutcracker patented in 1859 by Russel Frisbie, of Middletown, Connecticut. This was similar to the Blake patents of 1853. In addition another similar nutcracker is listed that also correlates itself with the Blake and Frisbie patents. One further note, is that both these artifacts are often confused to a cork press that was also patented in 1853 by one of the Blake brothers. Unfortunately, no further information regarding the Blake brothers and their patent concerning this nutcracker could be obtained. Hence, the exact date of the nutcracker above could not be determined but it is likely that it probably dates back to the mid 1850's as those listed in 300 Years of Kitchen Collectibles.
Kitchen Artifact ID
Institutional Collection
Phillips House Museum