Lydia S. Sanborn Recipe Book

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[Library Title: Recipe book, 1846.]

Manuscript Location
Winterthur Library, Quaker and Special Collections
Holding Library Call No.
Doc. 953
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
United States ➔ New York ➔ New York
Date of Composition
Lydia S. Sanborn resided in New York City, where her husband Nestor was a merchant. (The 1850 census indicates that he dealt in boots and shoes.) The Sanborns lived on Henry Street. They had at least two children, Nestor (born circa 1844) and Ann (born circa 1846). This 104-page book includes recipes for pies, puddings, cakes, cookies, jellies, soups, and beverages, some of which are credited to their contributors. It also contains household and medical recipes. The book is written in a volume of printed shipping insurance premium forms, which has a label for Bowne & Co., stationers, Pearl Street.