Emma Tillotson Recipe Book, 1842-1858

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Manuscript Location
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Kislak Center for Special Collections - Manuscripts
Holding Library Call No.
UPenn Ms. Codex 821
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
Date of Composition
Emma Tillotson inscribed her name and the date 1842 at the front of this 167-page English recipe book, which may have been compiled in Oxfordshire. The date 1858 appears on the final leaf. The volume is written in at least two hands; the later hand crosses out and corrects the earlier in some instances. Some later items are pasted over earlier recipes. The book contains recipes for soups, meats, puddings, cakes, preserves, gravies, sauces, rice, chutney, and curry. There are also recipes for domestic medicines, which are indexed at the end. Many of the recipes are attributed. A printed page headed "Hints to Housekeepers" is laid inside the front cover; there is no date or place of publication.