Anne Clufe Recipe Book, ca. 1750

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[Library Title: Manuscript cookery book, ca. 1750]

Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
England ➔ London
Date of Composition
ca. 1750

This book contains 65 pages of culinary, medical, and household recipes, including Catch-up of Mushrooms, Orange cheesecakes, Beer Cakes, Raisin Wine, To Make Mince Pyes without Meat, To make Black Ink, Green Ointment, Mr Stibbard's Receipt to destroy Rats, and A Receipt to Cure the Dropsy, and For the Gout.  A "Method of Making Stilton Cheese" results in a uniformly white cheese rather than the expected blue-veined variety. The recipe is labor-intensive and "The dairy Maid is not to be dishearten'd if she does not succeed perfectly in the first attempt."

The author locates her abode at “King Street near St James Pickedaly near St James Park.” Otherwise, we have been unable to trace Mrs. Clufe, a woman well-connected enough to record a recipe "for the gout … given by Admiral Stevens to Mr Lane"—the recipe, not the gout.