Sir George Musgrave Recipe Book

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[Library Title: Cookery of the Elizabethan Period to George IV, 1792-1831]

Holding Library Call No.
mssHM 58280
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
Date of Composition
This 96-page volume contains culinary, household, and medical recipes. Culinary recipes include rice dumplings, stew'd beef, and drinks such as orange wine and beer. Among the household recipes are directions to make varnish, cement, and glue. Like many other many other recipe books of its time, this volume includes a Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog. Many recipes are attributed; for example, there is "Elizabeth Hammond's Orange Marmalade" and "Mrs. Zimmer's meal for two to three persons at a cost of four pence," which is dated 1792. The book is in several hands. It once belonged to Sir George Musgrave at Eden Hall, as indicated by the bookplate.