Deborah Taylor Receipts, 1693
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[Library Title: Receipts in cookery and preserving only : manuscript]
Holding Library Call No.
Osborn b467Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
1901Place of Origin
EnglandDate of Composition
The front cover of this 25-page recipe book is decorated with calligraphic birds, arranged around an oval containing the inscription "Deborah Taylor. 1693." The book contains culinary recipes written from the the front of the notebook, and a much shorter collection of medical recipes written from the back of the notebook. The culinary recipes are titled on the inside front cover: "Receipts in cookery and preserving only." The medical recipes are titled on the inside back cover: "Receipts in Physick and Chirugery."
The culinary recipes focus on puddings and pastry, cakes, sweet dishes, and fruit preserves. They include recipes for orange pudding; apple tarts; gingerbread; "Genoa paste or cream"; cherry jam; and several marmalades. There is also a recipe for pickled walnuts.